Our Team
Meet everyone who makes This Esme what we are today.

2001 – Human
Esme loves animals and the countryside, as well as Jammie dodgers and Marmite sandwiches.
She is to be found on the yard, making grey horses clean again and picking up poo.
Esme also creates video content for social media and TV

White Grey Connemara
2006 – White Grey Connemara – 15hh
Casper I’ve had since he was 7 years old, and I was 12
His favourite disciplines are jumping and trail riding
Casper is shy and timid, but if he likes you, you have a friend for life
He has taught me more than any other horse – including how to fall well!

Cremello Standardbred
1999 – Cremello Standardbred – 13.1hh
Mickey is fully retired but loving life, my first pony he is as cheeky now as he was when I was 8. Known as ‘Licky Mickey’ he is the yard clown and escapologist.
He has blue eyes and pink skin, making him look very distinctive, that pink nose needs suncream on everyday in the summer – an activity which Mickey isn’t keen on.

Dapple grey Thoroughbred/Warmblood cross
2014 – Dapple grey Thoroughbred/Warmblood cross – 16.1hh
Joey is the yard’s boss and also a major attention seeker – he just loves hanging out with humans, especially if they have food. Still relatively young he has a goofy character and very trusting.
Joey loves jumping and dressage, but is currently in rehab after a nasty accident, we hope to get back into competition in 2023.

Grey Welsh Mountain Pony
2020 – Grey Welsh Mountain Pony – 10.1hh
What Duke lacks in height he makes up with his big personality. Duke is a survivor, he was abandoned, just a day or so old, on a welsh mountain side. He was rescued by World Horse Welfare, hand reared and rehabilitated and came to live in his new forever home with us.
Duke is brave, loves cuddles and scratches and is best friend to Mickey.
I hope to be able to show Duke in the future.

Brown Donkey
1993 – Brown Donkey
Bruno is best friends with Toby, he loves having his ears scratched and will head butt you in the bum if he wants attention – you have been warned.
Bruno passed in 2024 but his spirit lives on.

Black Donkey
1994 – Black Donkey
Toby is the donkey that can’t bray – whilst the others can make a noise that is heard from miles away Toby can only squeak. Whilst he has never found his voice he is the fastest donkey – cantering at you at full speed when you bring him breakfast.

White Paint Donkey
1995 – White Paint Donkey
Willow was born on the farm, she has the sweetest and most affectionate nature of all the animals. She will let you cuddle her for hours. Willow was born with arthritis affecting her hips, what she lacks in speed, she makes up with in determination.
Willow passed in 2024, but she still has a big impact on all our lives
About Esme
Esme is the creator of the YouTube Channel ‘This Esme’. Esme’s weekly videos promote riding, horse welfare and cover all aspects equestrian.
The popularity of Esme’s work has quickly made her one of the worlds largest equestrian social media stars, with monthly views in excess of 15 Million.